Friday, November 20, 2009


perhaps your project can be a "book"?

is it a ship?

will your presentation look like this?

maybe it will win a presidents medal...?

so you need some drawing suggestions...?

how about some of these...?

some things never change

san angel inn (1960s)

Friday, November 6, 2009

and the solution is...

when you are looking for a solution to what you are told is an architectural problem – remember it may not be a building.
– peter cook and ron herron, “maxims to aa students”

("exactitude isn't truth"... henri matisse)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

three dimensional line drawing

one of the canons of the futuristic painters, as propounded by modigliani, was that objects behind other objects should not be lost to view, but should be shown through the others by making the latter transparent. the wire sculpture accomplishes this in a most decided manner.
- alexander calder, statement on wire sculpture (1929)

calder, goldfish bowl, 1929

cw roelle, ahh, there you are. ready to go?
[more here...]

(between) transparency and invisibility

la línea como concepto humano expresa la relación
entre puntos. algo que es enteramente abstracto

en el sentido de: que físicamente
no existe en la naturaleza.

la línea como medio indica
materialmente la relación
entre puntos en el espacio, expresando
visualmente el pensamiento
humano descriptivo

la línea como objecto para jugar.

line as human
means to express
the relation between
points, something
that is entirely abstract
in the sense: of not
existing materially
in nature.

line as medium
indicates materially
the relation between
points in space,
expressing visually
human descriptive thought.

line as an object to play with.
- gego, sabidura 4

Monday, November 2, 2009

axon - model

eisenman, house x... front.
